There is no need to waste your time and money when you can skip a few steps and cooperate with a team that has been successfully operating for years – you focus on your business, and leave digital marketing to us.
A group of marketing experts from different fields of digital marketing who have joined together in the Spartan Media agency to provide clients with a complete digital “experience”.
Our focus is sales! The most difficult form of digital marketing. That’s why we decided to approach each challenge as befits a group of professionals and as each client deserves: the Spartan way!
Without compromise and restraint, providing maximum dedication and attention to each individual client.
We have prioritized four areas of digital marketing that, in our opinion, constitute a single whole that every online business needs for successful business:
No matter what business you're in, if you don't have traffic to your site, you're unfortunately doomed. The most efficient and fastest solution for bringing new clients to your business, as the blood stream that drives it, is using paid ads. Our agency is specialized in advertising on social networks (primarily on Facebook and Instagram) and we can provide you with the maximum utilization of this source of traffic for the growth of your business.
Organic traffic should be a part of every online marketing. While it may not be as fast as paid traffic, the content you post on social media is a mirror of what you do and offer. The posts you post are also a source of information for your potential clients that can be crucial in their decision whether they want to cooperate with you or not. Many will initially "research" you on social networks and only then contact you. Let us take care of your posts.
Being recognizable in your industry is no longer a choice but a necessity. Clients are bombarded daily with a "sea" of information and different brands, and it is important to be recognized and recognizable to the target group. This is why it is crucial to choose a design that will represent you and your brand in the best possible way.
Your site is your sanctuary and the last step a visitor needs to take to become a customer. That's why there must be no compromises when it comes to your site, whether it's design, opening speed or mobile adaptability. If all the listed elements are not 100% respected, your business has no chance to succeed. We are here to ensure that all the traffic that comes to your website is used to the maximum.
We do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach with a predefined price list. Instead:
We listen to the client and his needs at our first contact/conversation.
We create a customized strategy and offer for each client separately.
We perform the agreed services keeping in mind your satisfaction in the first place, with constant consulting and improvement.
Ovo je jedan od retkih emm na koji sam se “upecala”, a baveći se internetom pretplaćena sam na mnoge mejling liste, upravo da bih videla kako to rade ljudi kojima sam ja ciljna grupa.
Bila sam oduševljena jednostavnim i konkretnim pristupom, kao i novim saznanjima. Jako dobar sadržaj! Pritom, uz dobar proizvod.
Detaljan, jasan, precizan!
Na vama je da savladate gradivo, tehnike rada, a uvek se možete osloniti na nesebičnu pomoć. Preporučio bi svima koji žele da nauče internet marketing.
Dobio sam više od očekivanog! Dosta mi je pomogao u nekim stvarima i skratio vreme u izradi i planiranju postova i reklama.
Način pripreme, responzivnost u odgovoru na postavljena pitanja (u vreme kad najveći broj poslovnih ljudi koristi hladne automatizovane odgovore), brojni priimeri iz prakse, praktična upotreba zaista zaslužuju veliki respekt.
In addition to our services, we offer free consulting for all our clients on how to improve your online business.
It often happens that you lack a certain element of online business - that's where we "step in"!
Thanks to many years of experience, we quickly discover what is needed to make your online business successful.
Sometimes small things are foreseen and lead to leaks or visitors, or maybe you ignore some form of online communication that could bring you extra income.
In order to be 100% sure that you are ready to take a step forward in your business, we suggest that you contact us and arrange a free consultation. A simple application form can be found below:
Enter your information below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
NOTE: Consultations are completely free, we are at your disposal.
Upišite svoje podatke ispod i javit ćemo vam se u najkraćem mogućem roku.
NAPOMENA: Konzultacije su potpuno besplatne, stojim vam na raspolaganju.